We are starting recruitment for teams!
First we introduce you to the Legal Affairs Team
It will be responsible for monitoring selected internal legal acts of universities and research institutes relating to doctoral students, in particular the bylaws of the self-governing bodies and the legal acts of doctoral schools.
Monitoring of the bylaws of doctoral self-governments will be aimed at verifying whether legal provisions have been established therein to support the self-government activation of doctoral students with disabilities and to provide them with appropriate assistance in this regard, as well as to provide an English-language version of the bylaws of doctoral self-governments.
Monitoring of legal acts related to doctoral school education, on the other hand, will be aimed at verifying whether legal provisions have been established for providing doctoral students with disabilities with forms of support while participating in the activities carried out during the educational cycle, as well as verifying access to the English-language version of legal acts related to doctoral education, the availability of classes in English, and the provision of information to foreign doctoral students regarding their rights and obligations.
Requirements for candidates:
PhD student status
law degree
For recruitment, please fill out the form:
() https://forms.gle/MQqCHUTcVBhMq7Dy5
Recruitment lasts until 31/08/2023 at 23:59
If you have any questions, we remain at your disposal.
Our email: pelnoprawniwnauce@krd.edu.pl